Oil Pulling with a twist

So, what is oil pulling? Oil pulling is an ancient ayurvedic method of detoxifying your body. Basically, it is done by taking a tablespoon of coconut oil or sesame oil and swishing it around your mouth for up to 15-20 minutes every morning before you brush your teeth or eat or drink anything. You then spit it out as ingesting it = ingesting the toxins. Then after brushing your teeth with a natural toothpaste, your mouth will feel unbelievably clean.

Oil pulling cleanses out bacteria, viruses, fungi and various toxins that often reside in the mouth. Since the mouth is the home to many microbial organisms, oil pulling effectively gets rid of them before they enters your bloodstream. And not only does it cleanse your mouth, it also cleanses and pulls out toxins from your body.

It has many benefits that include but not limited to a clean mouth, reducing cavities and tooth decay, clear skin, more energy, detoxing the body, and aids in over all well being. Always use organic cold pressed oils if possible. AND most important, always spit out the oil at the end of the session into your trash as it WILL clog up your sink . If you want to read more, just google “oil pulling”.


So, where is the twist. I started adding a dropThieves essential oil to my coconut oil for oil pulling. Thieves is an oil blend consisting of Clove, Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Lemon. It is a great support of oral health. Not only does it leave your mouth clean and fresh, it also supports your immune system.


I sometimes also add Lemon essential oil to my coconut oil for oil pulling. Lemon can help with detoxing and cleansing. It does leave your mouth feeling clean.


Similarly, you can add Peppermint or Frankincense  or Oregano or clove to your oil pulling. They each have different benefits. For example, Frankincense can help with tooth sensitivities, Oregano can help boost your immune system – I often add this when I am starting to come down with something. Try it and see the difference.

New Premium Starter Kit Released

Young Living has released a new premium starter kit which not only has a new look but also some lovely extra additions to the everyday collection. It is great that they have included oils like R.C, Copaiba and DiGize.



I was just thinking that it is funny that they have included it in the everyday collection now as I use Copaiba and DiGize everyday on our family. R.C is also frequently used as it helps with the respiratory system and breaks mucous. Anyone with a toddler will know how often the mucous has to be broken down : )

I was quite impressed when I opened up the new kit. Not only is the packaging attractive, the bottles now have transparent labels so you can see how much oil is left. This was always an issue as I could never tell how much was there and then panic would set in when I was nearly at the end and needed more right away.

Also, they have included some real good information on usage of the oils and also given some empty bottles to share. I have a drawer full of empty bottles that I have saved diligently. I often give a few drops to friends and family in need and these empty bottles have come handy. So, I thought it was well thought through by YL by including 10 extra bottles.

All in all, it is a great value for your $$.



Aromatherapy Journey Continues

My friend Rebecca sent this quote to me..

The unknowable path

…might also be the right one.
The fact that your path is unknowable may be precisely  why  it’s the right path.
The alternative, which is following the well-lit path, offers little in the way of magic.
If you choose to make art, you are no longer following. You are making.

HT to JSB.


Isn’t that lovely. And that is how I often feel when I think about my life pursuing Aromatherapy. It feels quite unknown and yet there is magic in this amazing journey. I just finished an Aromatherapy Intensive Class where I learned more about these powerful plant extracts – from how to use them for emotional releases to a technique developed by Young LIving called “Raindrop technique”. I will soon write more about the Raindrop in another blog.

I also learned about the chemistry about essential oils, which was fascinating. This is coming from someone who could not wait to drop chemistry when I finished high school. I was captivated by how much knowledge of chemistry is needed to learn how to properly distill and when to exactly stop the distillation process. Learning about what exactly essential oils do when they enter our blood stream and how they work with our body’s natural intelligence to heal was absolutely mind blowing.  I promise to write another blog on the chemistry of essential oils soon as well.

Finally, it made me grateful for Young Living products as they put so much effort into making sure each batch is the best. A small variation can alter the final product so much that it can go from being helpful to harmful and even fatal. This is why I stress the importance of researching essential oils and making sure they are not adulterated and absolutely safe to use (apply to skin, breathe and safe to ingest).

If you want to learn more about the class or Aromatherapy, visit CARE. They are an independent organization that teaches Aromatherapy. Thanks for joining me in this Unknown Path….

Camping Spray

It is that time of the year again and being outdoors is something our family enjoys a lot. What I am sure no human enjoys is being the target of our friends who live outdoors – yes, I mean mosquitoes and other critters.

Here are a few versions of sprays I have tested on my family.

Version 1

10 drops – Citronella Essential Oil
10 drops – Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops – Peppermint Essential Oil
10 drops – Lemongrass or Eucalyptus Essential Oil
1-2 oz – Witch Hazel
Distilled water or Carrier Oil like Grape seed Oil or Coconut oil


Take a glass spray bottle, combine all the above essential oils. Add a little witch hazel to it. Fill that rest with distilled water. And it is ready for use. Spray liberally on clothes and on the skin. As always, be careful near the eyes

You can also make the same using a roller bottle. Combine all the essential oils. Don’t add witch hazel or distilled water. Just fill the rest with the carrier oil like grape seed oil or coconut oil. Apply it behind your neck or any exposed skin.

Version 2


Version 3

This is the spray that I have made for repelling ticks.

15 drops Citronella
15 drops Peppermint
15 drops Thyme
15 drops Palo Santo
10 drops Purification
2-4 oz Witch Hazel
2-4 oz Distilled Water
8 oz Glass Spray Bottle


Just combine all the Essential Oils in the spray bottle. Add witch hazel and distilled water and it is ready to go. Spray liberally on your clothes and skin. It is safe to use on babies. Last year when my son was only 6 months old in the sumer, we used this on hiking trips. This year, we will hopefully use on a camping trip.


If you find a tick lodged into your skin, put a drop of Palo Santo on the tick to have it back off. It will most likely die. Apply Lavender, Purification and Peppermint on the site.

Do you have a recipe using Essential Oil for chasing away bugs? Please do share…

Immune Booster

Yesterday my husband came home having a scratchy throat and not feeling that well. In my head, I was saying “dude, this is spring already, you can’t get sick now”. Anyways, In our family, the moment something like this starts, we take out all our healing protocol to nip it in the bud, starting with Essential Oils.

The easiest way to boost the immune system is to take essential oils internally. There are 3 steps…

Take a 00 capsule

  1. Add 12 drops of Thieves
  2. Add 2 drops of Frankincense.
  3. Add 6 drops of Oregano.

Drink it with a glass of water. Take this concoction twice a day for 2-3 days till you feel better.

Immune booster

In addition, I also applied some Immupower to the bottom of feet.

You have already read about Thieves and Frank. Let me tell you a little bit about Oregano and Immupower.

Oregano: Oregano essential oil has many wonderful qualities including having strong antioxidant, purifying and immune enhancing properties. It can also support the respiratory system. At the first sign of sickies, I bring this and Thieves out. It is very strong, so always dilute it when using it. I have even used it to remove corn / callous on my little toe, so it has many versatile properties.


Immupower: It is a must have in every home. As the name suggests, it helps to support, strengthen and build a healthy immune system. It is also quite energizing. It is a blend of nine different essential oils – Frankincense, Oregano, Idaho Tansy, Clove, Hyssop, Ravensara, Mountain Savory, Cistus and Cumin. It smells like spices : )


In addition, salt water gargle with a couple of drops of Thieves can be very effective. Taking a couple of spoons of Fire Cider with local raw honey can also help with the symptoms.