I recently came across this article in the NY times – it is an article about the fact that the leading brand of toothpaste Colgate still contains the FDA banned ingredient Triclosan. On the reasons that Triclosan was banned was because it causes the risk of scrambling hormones in children, normal development of the reproductive system and metabolism and also creating drug resisting bacteria.
I can’t stress the importance of having a chemical free household = toxin fre
e life. What ever we put in our body gets absorbed into the blood stream, but chemicals in items like toothpaste when in contact with the gums gets rapidly absorbed into the blood stream.
So, please read the ingredients listed in any of the common household items that you use every day from hand soaps, dishwashing soaps, toothpaste, shampoo, body wash etc. Be informed consumers.
My obsession for a chemical free living comes from the fact that my husband at the young age of 28 was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and thankfully, with Divine grace has been in remission for almost 18 years at this time. In my early twenties, I was diagnosed with an auto immune disorder and was bed ridden for over 5 years. All of these very trying times in our lives actually proved to be a blessing in disguise.
It made us change our lifestyle, look at what we put in and on our bodies, how we keep our environment, how we treat our mind and body. Since then I am on a mission to make sure that our home is ‘clean’ and if these kinds of posts make a difference even in one person, I will keep doing it.
I would highly recommend the Thieves line of household products including Thieves Toothpaste and the Kidscent toothpaste for kids and Thieves Hand Foaming Soap.
As always, please contact me if you want to learn more about living a Toxin Free life and having a Chemical Free Home.
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