Holiday Gifts

This holiday season, we decided to make home made gifts. We had so much fun doing that. Of late, I have been involving my toddler to help out with the household stuff. Why: I come from an Indian background where grown men don’t even know how to make chai or cook an egg. My husband and I decided early on that our son needs to be self sufficient and that we need to start young so that it becomes the norm. Ok, enough of the digression and back to the holiday gifts…

AnishHolidayGifts I wanted to grab and hug him as he was working with so much concentration. I didn’t as I wanted him to have his space, but he is so cute, of course, I am biased. The funny thing was that he got a little on his hand and he licked it before I could stop him. And I was ok with it as I knew every single ingredient that went into it and Young Living essential oils are so pure that I knew that it would not do any harm.

Making gifts for people in our lives like his teachers or baby sitter was so special. I also knew that they would enjoy these practical economical gifts as well. I would highly encourage you to try making hand made items. Believe me, they are not as hard as they seem.




So, as you probably noticed, I have been on hiatus for a while now. Life has been very busy – moving, toddler, holidays, starting a new business venture, classes, life – you get the picture. And this time has challenged me beyond what I can put down in words, nothing serious like what people are experiencing in the world at this time.  It has more to do with being called to trust and have faith in the path that has been chosen for me. I have struggled with being a parent, a wife, a daughter, a therapist to my clients when life has been so chaotic.

What has kept me going is ‘Faith’. I don’t mean that in a religious context, but more in terms of keeping me grounded. My friend Rebecca gave me this mug and it summarizes my feelings on Faith

Oh! have I not fallen and made mistakes. This is where practicing self forgiveness comes into the picture as well.

And of course, Young Living has oils for that. They make the best blends ever – Faith and Forgiveness.

Essential Oils are like energy medicine. Plants have frequencies in them and Gary Young has mastered the art of combining the plants to make the desired frequency. That, to me is amazing as it is so accessible to lay people.




Often, ForgivenessI set an intention as I am applying the essential oil. I also apply oils that target emotions to the brain stem as I set the intention. It targets the amygdala which is the emotion center. It is quite up lifting. What I love about blends like these is that there is no room to stay stuck in an emotional state. There is no room to dwell and once you release the emotion, you get to move on. How cool is that???

I hope you try these amazing oils. Again, please let me know how I can be of service to you.




What sets Young Living Essential Oils Apart….

Are Young Living Oils that exceptional? Is it worth paying $30.92 (retail price) or $23.50 (wholesale) for a bottle of Lavender Essential Oil from Young Living when I can get a $8/10 bottle from elsewhere.

I get asked this question many times especially when I teach classes. My answer is “YES”. I recently read this blog that explains it really well.  I personally like Young Living oils and their products because they care about the quality and will not compromise on it. For instance, last winter, precious R.C. was out of stock for many months. Because EO’s are plant derived and we are at the mercy of mother nature, if a plant is not ready for harvesting, that blend or single oil will not be made. I cannot say that about any other company.

And this blog talks about the quality of essential oils that are available in the market.

When it comes to the health and wellbeing of my family, especially my little guy, I will NOT compromise on the quality. You don’t have to take my word for it, but try both Young Living and another brand and see the difference.

Cleaning Recipes

I had lots of inquiries about the recipes from the last blog that I posted. So, here they are…

This first one is an “All Purpose Cleaning Spray” made with Thieves Household Cleaner.  It is one of the simplest recipes for creating a sparkling clean space. Best of all – it is completely non- toxic. So, needless to say, I love it.

All Purpose Thieves Cleaning


This next one is a “Soft Scrub”.  Again, so simple to make and yet so clean and effective. I love how cost effective these simple cleaning products are.  SoftScrub Please do try them….


Replacing Toxic Cleaners

I did a ‘Make and Take’ Class this week. The theme was ‘Replacing Toxic Household Cleaners’ with natural cleaners. Over the years, we had slowly been replacing toxic cleaners like Windex etc with more natural cleaning products from other companies like Seventh Generation etc.

However, I started to notice that some of them don’t clean as well and they tend to be so expensive. It does add up and sometimes because it does not clean well, you use more. So, I started to make my own (before Essential Oils) and they were ok, I was not that thrilled about it. And then I discovered Young Living Oils and Oil products. It totally changed my relationship with cleaning and the bonus was that it was super cost effective.

My favorite is the Thieves Household Cleaner. It is made from the Thieves EO blend which is an all time hit. It has organic and biodegradable materials which is important and because it is concentrated, a little can go a long way. I understand the ingredients that are used and know that my family is safe being around it.

Thieves HouseHold Cleaner

For instance, you only need 1:30(water) for General Cleaning and 1:15 for heavy degreasing. It is versatile so you can use it for cleaning carpets to doing the laundry. I actually like to make different cleaning products with it. That was the theme of the ‘Make and Take”. We made a ‘Soft Scrub Cleaner’, ‘General Cleaning Spray’ and a ‘Versatile All Purpose Spray’. If you would like any of these recipes, l am happy to share them with you.

I started being militant about these types of things because of my little guy. I know I cannot protect him from everything, but being a mom brings this fierce mama bear instinct that makes me at least want to look at the things that I can control. What products I use at home, what environmental toxins he is exposed to (at least at home), what he eats at home, how our lifestyle impacts him are at least in my control. This is why I started looking into it before he was born and it is always evolving. I started doing this for him and now it has turned into something bigger than him – sharing this with people around me. My hope is that it  plants a seed of other possibilities and alternatives.

Blessings to all of you on the beautiful New England Fall day.